Site Location Consultants


Request Information

Greater Spokane Incorporated has worked with site selectors on various projects over the past two decades and maintains relationships with site selectors worldwide. The economic development team handles all inquiries with confidentiality, timeliness, and careful attention to detail. We are happy to provide detailed proposals and specific location cost-comparison information. Please contact one of our industry managers to find out how we can assist you.

Spokane Regional Site Selector

The Spokane Regional Site Selector website provides a powerful tool for locating available commercial properties, business locations, demographics and market information. The site utilizes GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technology to integrate software and geographic data to efficiently display and analyze regional business information.

For example, available properties can be viewed, along with size, use, cost, development incentives and contact information. Corresponding demographic reports such as labor force, education levels, consumer spending and age can be created. In addition, businesses are mapped by industry showing their distribution and concentrations throughout the area.